Okay, I'll confess, I have not bought the turquoise paint for my table, nor have I started on the second ugly chair, so I decided I would post some oldies but goodies. These are some items that I have made in the past but not actually blogged about, so they'll be new to you, but old to me. Anyway... you've seen the wedding cake cookies I made for a friend and the apple cookies I made for my class, but here are a couple of other cookies I've done.
Ruler cookies for teacher appreciation week. I placed this in a snack sized plastic bag with a label that read "Teachers Rule".
I made baby carriage cookies for several baby showers this year.
Along with making cookies, I've done a lot of sewing for my neice, but also for other friends babies.
A pink plisse' peasant dress and bloomers with white eyelet trim for my darling neice. I think this is one of my favorite outfits.
A onsie decorated with fabric roses and bandana bloomers with eyelet ruffles I made for a friends new baby.
Another peasant dress for my neice. I loved the fabric on this one. I also made matching pants but forgot to take a picture of them.
A fully lined make-up bag made using bandanas. It was my first attempt at adding a zipper to something!
Besides sewing, I did a little crafting too.
For a last day of school gift for my class I printed a tag that read "Stay Cool This Summer" from some site I found online (wish I could remember where) and tied it with curling ribbon around several unfrozen ice pops.
Fish bowls made using rice cakes, blue icing and goldfish crackers during "pets" week at preschool.
I actually started on a new craft today - a burlap wreath! I ran out of burlap ribbon so I've got to run back to Michael's but I will post about it the minute I am finished. I also bough the fabric for my second ugly chair, so I hope to have that started and finished soon too! I've got lots of projects planned and I can't wait to get started!
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